7 free ways to make a lot of money from your blog on auto pilot.

Don’t use Google’s ad sense alone- your blog may be very interactive with quite a large number of visitors per month, but without visitors clicking on the ads you will earn nothing, many people admit that they will not click on an ad unless it is related to the content or strongly appeals to them. Invest in a number of affiliate programs that have attractive advertisements, this will not cost you a dime because most affiliate programs are free to join.   

How to get motivation in blog writing

Lack of motivation hinders many bloggers from accomplishing their set targets and goals with their blogs.

Step 1: Get the list of top bloggers from income diary.com, visualize your blog on the list, mark where you want it to appear and start working for the set goal. Every time you add a blog post, visualize where you want your blog to be. Regularly check your blog stats to see how your blog is performing in the blogosphere. Doing this regularly, increases your morale and you’ll find yourself feeling the need to update your blog.

Step 2: Add face book’s like and twitter’s re-tweet buttons on your blog. The number of likes reflects how much people appreciate your work. Once you see the number of likes on your blog posts raising gradually you will definitely feel content with your work. To please people more and more people too you will eventually try to write better and more interesting articles.  

Seven don’t do’s for your blog

Blogging for money

If you are into blogging just for the money, then you are in for a shock. Research shows that people who work solely for their sustenance are less likely to succeed in what they do.
On the other hand, most successful bloggers according to interviews blog to share and expose their passion with the world. You should focus on making your blog stand out from the millions of blogs written on the same topic as yours, believe me money will come later on.
Ensure you Love what you blog about. Figure out what really makes you happy, what area do you have more knowledge that your friends or colleagues, what topic is it that people mostly ask for your opinion. 

Make a living from your blog

Earning from the internet is almost every young person’s dream today. Who wouldn’t want to earn huge sums while hanging out with friends, studying, partying or just relaxing at home (money auto pilot)? It may seem difficult to achieve this, but today I’ll prove why you don’t have to borrow huge sums of money to start an internet empire. I will actually guide you on how to do it with absolutely no monetary investment and a simple blog.

Step 1: Get offline online.
Confused? This simply means taking the transactions you do offline (away from the internet) online (to your blog). This is the first and most important step to monetizing your blog. You have to figure out what it is that you like to do. For instance I like music production and I know a lot about celebrities. With the knowledge that I’ve acquired from these specific areas overtime I can successfully blog about something that a number of people will connect and respond to. With good content, you are like a lion waiting for the right time to pounce on prey.