How to get motivation in blog writing

Lack of motivation hinders many bloggers from accomplishing their set targets and goals with their blogs.

Step 1: Get the list of top bloggers from income, visualize your blog on the list, mark where you want it to appear and start working for the set goal. Every time you add a blog post, visualize where you want your blog to be. Regularly check your blog stats to see how your blog is performing in the blogosphere. Doing this regularly, increases your morale and you’ll find yourself feeling the need to update your blog.

Step 2: Add face book’s like and twitter’s re-tweet buttons on your blog. The number of likes reflects how much people appreciate your work. Once you see the number of likes on your blog posts raising gradually you will definitely feel content with your work. To please people more and more people too you will eventually try to write better and more interesting articles.  

Step 3: check the number of visitors regularly to your blog.  Adding free statistics programs directly to your blog won’t hurt; in fact most of these companies are often young and offer their services for free. More visitors means more money thus the urge to write more posts.

Step 4: get a number of comments on your posts. If I see many comments on a blog post I will gain a tendency to generate a comment too. We humans are social beings; we tend to look for platforms with a lot of viewers. 
Encourage people to comment on what they feel about your posts. This increases the level of interactivity of your blog. Being the one owning the blog with the most comments, you will feel as if people depend on you on this topic, this feeling will greatly boost your morale.

Step 5: write regularly about what you strongly feel. It is easier to express what you really feel about a situation than what you have a slight interest in. If you are really interested in soccer, look for the latest news but twist the updates to favor your reasoning and views. Remember this; most people usually search for other people’s opinions on the latest news.

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