Seven don’t do’s for your blog

Blogging for money

If you are into blogging just for the money, then you are in for a shock. Research shows that people who work solely for their sustenance are less likely to succeed in what they do.
On the other hand, most successful bloggers according to interviews blog to share and expose their passion with the world. You should focus on making your blog stand out from the millions of blogs written on the same topic as yours, believe me money will come later on.
Ensure you Love what you blog about. Figure out what really makes you happy, what area do you have more knowledge that your friends or colleagues, what topic is it that people mostly ask for your opinion. 

Copying from other blogs and websites.

I know I’ve been guilty of this in my early days. There were times that I’d copy the whole blog posts from the top names in the blogosphere. I’d end up getting no page views at all and still had to risk facing copyright issues by the original authors.
If you are to copy the stories from other blogs or websites, base them solely on your opinions. People may visit your blog, notice the news and may get attracted to how well you’ve written the post or explained the situation at hand. ‘Perez Hilton’ is a very good example of this.

Not replying comments

A comment from a reader is like a special way of saying ‘I love the content on your blog and it has really helped me’. Whether negative or positive you must try your best to reply them all.  The current comments will help the future readers of your blog gain trust and navigate easily, thus create strong future relationships.

Not updating sequentially

If you’ve already won over the attention of readers you should take full responsibility and update your blog regularly with new and interesting posts just for them. By doing this, your readers may find it a necessity to bookmark your blog or put it as their home page if they really like it.
Top earning blogs are usually ranked among the top ten in all search engines according to their respective content. Imagine getting millions of traffic to your blog in a single day “jack pot”.

Not making your blog compatible with mobile devices.
Millions of people today alternatively use their mobile devices to browse the internet. Even though some advanced mobile devices may allow users get the same computer surfing experience, most people don’t have this unique access and use ordinary internet enabled handsets. If your blog is mobile compatible then you will definitely get and keep more visitors.

Not proof reading your posts.

This is the most important step of all. Do not rush your posts in the name of competing with other blogs for the latest news. Imagine visiting a blog that has spelling mistakes from the first to the last word of all the posts, dreadful isn’t it?
Ensure the readers will also be able to understand what it is that you’ve posted, if you don’t do this regularly they might think that you must be illiterate or something thus you’ll lose your readers very easily.

Concentrating too much on fulfilling search engines specifications.
Majority of the bloggers usually concentrate too much on search engine friendly content. I’m not saying that it’s bad to do so, but there are other much friendlier Search Engine Optimization methods that completely do not interfere with your content. I’ve listed a couple of favorable methods below:

Use of favicons.
Use of search engine friendly URLs rather than Dynamic ones.
Posting links
Meta tags.

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