Make a living from your blog

Earning from the internet is almost every young person’s dream today. Who wouldn’t want to earn huge sums while hanging out with friends, studying, partying or just relaxing at home (money auto pilot)? It may seem difficult to achieve this, but today I’ll prove why you don’t have to borrow huge sums of money to start an internet empire. I will actually guide you on how to do it with absolutely no monetary investment and a simple blog.

Step 1: Get offline online.
Confused? This simply means taking the transactions you do offline (away from the internet) online (to your blog). This is the first and most important step to monetizing your blog. You have to figure out what it is that you like to do. For instance I like music production and I know a lot about celebrities. With the knowledge that I’ve acquired from these specific areas overtime I can successfully blog about something that a number of people will connect and respond to. With good content, you are like a lion waiting for the right time to pounce on prey.

Step 2: Choose an attractive blog template.

Once you’ve written down the required information, download a blog template that catches your attention. There are many free blogger and word press templates circulating the internet. Many of them possess quality features that can enable your blog stand out from rest in the blogosphere. Search for a template that best suits your content; I’m pretty sure from the millions of free template designs, you will not miss the one you are looking for.
 Once you’ve chosen the template upload it to your blog and add widgets to it. Widgets help increase the level of interaction with your readers from post to post. There are thousands of helpful widgets that include: navigation widgets, social networking widgets, imaging widgets…etc. click to download and get more information on widgets.
Remember, people surfing the internet are always at a constant rush and will stop only at what catches their eye. Picture the internet as a highway, the traffic as…well…traffic and you (the pedestrian) is your blog. If you had to stop a car at high speed you must look attractive and trust able to the driver, the more attractive you are the more the drivers tend to pull over.  

Step 3: Sign up for ad sense and other affiliate programs

Got your content right? This is the step I’d rather call ‘setting up the trap’ or ‘strategizing for the kill’. Whether you are new or a veteran to blogging you have to admit that ad sense and affiliates are the most crucial income sources for your blog. Ad sense powered by Google is the most popular program that has helped enrich top blogger s around the world solely from their blogs. Furthermore this is Google, the largest online company it’s definitely not a scam. Affiliate programs on the other hand are somewhat tricky. You have to read in between the lines and through their terms and conditions before signing up with them. To get you on the safe side here is a list I have compiled for the top affiliate programs.
·        Kontera content link.
·        Text link ads.
·        Bidvertiser.
·        Auction ads.
·        Feed burner ad network.
Having signed up with these programs, you have to strategically place your advertisements. What I’m I talking about? The human eye notices attractive material very quickly, this may be variation in colors or something previously desired. The mind therefore decides whether to send signals to the visitor’s hand to enable clicks on the ad. To get more clicks quickly, allow the ads to be related with the content on the blog, place them either at the top of the blog or in between posts. For example, your blog is basically about music; select music adverts (guitars, pianos, microphones, and music school e.t.c) from your affiliates and place them where they are noticeable. 

The next question to ask your self is, “people who like my content also like?” Do some research on your content and see what other things your readers may be interested in. Once you’ve got a solution to this, find and place the ads according to the solutions found.
With an ad sense or affiliate program and great constant traffic you’d be earning on auto pilot in no time.

Step 4: Get loads of traffic to your blog.

The first step to getting great traffic fast is gaining trust. To gain trust you must post good content to online discussions, open forums and comment regularly on multiple networks and websites whose content is trust able and recommended by the users. 
If I am searching for an anti virus update, I’d search through Google and eventually end up at a website that talks about the free updates. At the comments section a person might have asked “where can I download them for free?” this is your opportunity, post links to your blog and add some kind of assurance for the users like, “this update has worked fine for me”. People will automatically trust your suggestions and click on the links. 
Just make sure what you are suggesting is the truth. If people were to find out you were lying about the links they may advise others not to visit your blog, if they love your blog they may highly recommend it to their friends and your blog would be tapped for information by many users.
Just make sure your links are available on every corner of the internet with a good assurance to them.
The recommended methods I’d use are: answering questions like on yahoo answers with links tracing back to your blog for more information, post good articles also with links to your blog. 
Let’s look at it this way, you are in the middle of a city and want to notify everyone you have good custom computers for sale. You can either create an advertisement banner (regular internet advertising) outside your shop that may attract a few people, then spend the rest of your life hoping that your message will be reached through word of mouth, or you can simply post your content on those giant electric billboards (social networks, open forums and online discussion) for half the city to see.

Step 5: Keep the readers entertained (update your blog regularly).

Even though traffic may be redirected to one of your blog posts, you have to agree that a single blog post may get boring to readers. Just like the real world, you may pick up a magazine and if it doesn’t interest you, you have the freedom to pick up another. 
If readers are brought to your blog through one blog post, you have to be ready with other interesting content that will keep them glued to your blog, long enough for them to click on your attractive advertisements.

Step 6: Get interactive

Sign up to the most popular social networks and interact with your readers at all times (answer all or most of the comments and e-mails). Readers who appreciate a blog often visit it for more information. Frequent visits often build trust and loyalty. Trust and loyalty finally increases your readers’ willingness to click on ads in your blog. If you have millions of readers who are willing to click on your ads, then you’d better start budgeting for that dream home in Beverly Hills.

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